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Premium German Supplements

Elevate Your Fitness Journey with Ironmaxx and Helltech Excellence

Instant Oats Haferflocken - neutral (2000g)
The Instant Oats from IronMaxx® are a useful dietary supplement that consists of ground whole grain oat flakes and is an ideal source of carbohydrates for athletes and health-conscious people. With up to 68g of complex carbohydrates and up to 396 kcal per 100g, this product is a long-lasting source of energy.
Whey ZERO (400g) - milk chocolate
Athletes preparing for competitions or athletes who are stubbornly working towards their summer bodies avoid unnecessary sugar. Consuming sugar leads to an increase in insulin levels in the blood. The insulin then releases part of the energy from the food consumed into the fat cells - but not with our Whey Zero.

Unparalleled Taste

Premium Quality

100% Guarantee

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Made With Love ❤️ And Passion in AKA POWER